New hygienisation method of pure chicken manure, which is approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Here Quantor®SX we have chosen to use steam to achieve the minimum 70 degree temperature for a minimum of 1 hour for better economy than traditional hot air. Control cabinet with PLC and touch screen is mounted in a 20 foot container together with the boiler and softening system. The amount of steam is controlled by electric controlled valve and 4 x temperature sensor in the waste treatment screw. All values are logged for easy monitoring and out refueling with a USB memory according to current requirements.
Read more in our PDF

This plant treats about 5m3 per day which is just the right size for 40 000 chickens.
For more information about our solutions, please contact us by email:: info@ecsab.com or call
Mats Tuvesson +46 (0)703-848400.
We can also help you with the following in order to facilitate your work:
- to apply for grants for your investment
- with permit applications required
- with the training required
In addition to this we are able to help with other issues and gives good advice for the planned investment.